What we provide

  1. Establishment of institutional mechanisms for women/gender- responsive planning and programming.
  2. Creation and strengthening of GAD focal points per E.O. 348, Office of the President and Ordinance No. 5004, stipulating appointment of Integrated Gender Development Officer.
  3. Planning for women/gender and development concerns. This is to institutionalize gender-responsive planning and programming in government along: planning tools development and packaging, formulation of an integrated plan for women/gender and development, influencing mainstream planning and program development
  4. Training in Gender and Development: Enhancement of local government capability in responding to gender issues in its policies, programs and projects. It involves the conduct of seminars for women/gender consciousness raising and for technical training on gender responsive development planning and programming. It targets key persons in government and private sectors, namely: policy-makers, planning, trainers and GAD Focal Points.
  5. Policy Research and Strategy Development
    • Conduct of policy studies on women’s special concerns and practical needs as coordinated with concerned WNGOs.
    • Conduct of studies on existing/proposed laws to ensure effective intervention in policy making
  6. Development of Davao data base on women
    • establishment of data resource materials
    • establishment of electronic data bank network
  7. Media Relations
    • information-education-communication network building
    • resource mobilization through media
  8. Affiliation/Accreditation
    • recognition of gender-sensitive offices
    • recognition of women organizations and gender-fair people’s organizations
  9. Networking
    • identification and mobilization of resources
    • referral build-up
    • personnel exchange